Repeating at a certain time
Repeat every three seconds using Time. I used it to create an app that functions like a clock.
Repeat every three seconds using Time. I used it to create an app that functions like a clock.
I decided to create a design with nested images in the app I'm working on, so I looked into how to implement it. I used Read more
This is a note to communicate with UDP in Swift. I installed SwiftSocket via cocoapods and wrote it like this. I used it to communicate with the WOOM-02. Read more
When I switch from Xcode8 to Xcode9 and convert to Swift4, I get the following error. Here's how to make it disappear. The use of Swift 3 @objc inference in Swift 4 mode is deprecated. Read more
This is a sample of how to zoom in and out on an image in a UIScrollView. Pinch to make the image larger or smaller. Read more
Removes the text of the back button in UINavigationController. Change “< back” to “<”. let backButton = UIBarButtonItem(title: "", style: .plain, target: nil, action: nil) self. Read more
Here's a sample that runs every second, after a few seconds in Swift. It is output to the console every second.
This is a sample of setting a header in UITableView. The footer can be set up in the same way.
I tried to add a custumCollection cell to UICollectionView. The NSStringFromClass(CustumCollectionViewCell.self), which converts class names to strings, is very useful when using UITableView or UICollectionView. Read more
This is a sample of UICollectionView. This is a reference to the This site is easy to look at and I highly recommend it to Read more