Remove Storyboards from projects running iOS13 and above
Create a file with Swift & Storyboard. Removes Main.storyboard. Delete the term Main storyboard file base name. Application Scene Manifest -> Application Session Role -> Read more
Create a file with Swift & Storyboard. Removes Main.storyboard. Delete the term Main storyboard file base name. Application Scene Manifest -> Application Session Role -> Read more
This is how to create a Struct using the FunctionBuilder added in Swift 5.1. It's also active in SwiftUI.
Here's a sample of how to switch screens using TabView. It's pretty easy to write about, isn't it? TabView - SwiftUI | Apple Developer Documentation Read more
It was a bit of a hassle to transition from one ListView to another like the configuration screen. I feel like there's a better way to do it. Read more
This is a way of tapping お天気Webサービス(Livedoor Read more
This was avoided by regenerating the id with onDisappear. If there is no change in @State, does that mean that you use the cache? I'm going to learn more about it! Read more
Here's how to display a list in SwiftUI. Since this is the screen after the screen transition, there is a NavigationBar.
This is how to change the height of a cell in TableView. I was able to achieve this by using .rowHeight for batch return and heightForRowAt for individual changes. Read more
0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 ….. The following is a sample code to get the value at regular intervals of 0, 0, 5, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 5, and so on with UISlider. Read more
UITableView's class hierarchy NSObject ↑ UIResponder ↑ UIView ↑ UIScrollView ↑ UITableView AppleDevelope Read more