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I had a chance to speak at iOSDCJapan2019 Day 1 in the Rookies LT slot.



I'm glad I signed up for the Rookies LT slot! It was a lot of fun!

Rookies LT

I am pleased to announce that I am the Rookies’ LT slot. The basic rules are the same as the regular LT. Speakers accepted in this slot will be able to attend the “iOSDC Rookies LT Practice Session” which will be held 2-3 weeks prior to iOSDC. At the Rookie's LT practice session, you will have the opportunity to have your slides corrected by one of our staff members. He also corrected many of my slides and made them look pretty good. Aside from the corrections, I'm also very happy that I've made friends (at least from my point of view, which is one-sided). Synchronization? I'm very happy to have people on Twitter even after iOSDC is over.


I was very nervous about the announcement. I have no memory of it being announced. I was very happy to hear that some of the people I met at Rookies LT, such as @tdakak, who is a Kamen-like mentor who taught me a lot of things (at least unilaterally (from me)). Also, I egged on Twitter and got a few comments. It was a lot of work to build a Windows PC and build a gadget for the presentation, but I'm glad I made the presentation.

Presentation Slides

iOSエンジニアでもできるIoTガジェット作成 基板発注もう何も怖くない


I'm glad I signed up for the Rookies LT slot! It was a lot of fun! I think it's a good idea to sign up at Rookies LT because they will correct your questions in advance and you can make friends.


The network staff's LT at the end was very interesting and cool. My main job is as an infrastructure engineer, so I wanted to spend a year learning more about network technology to become stronger and to contribute as a staff member. I would like to apply when the time comes. To the network staff, “Practice rolling the figure eight for next year! I'm going to practice.

  1. Changing the height of a TableView cell (Swift5.0.1)
  2. UIButton, display a button (Swift5.0)
  3. Using UISlider to retrieve a value at regular intervals (Swift5.0)
  4. Getting a value with UISlider (Swift5.0)
  5. Displaying an incoming call screen using CallKit.
  6. Performing UITest (E2E testing) on iOS (Swift5.0)OSでUITest(E2Eテスト)を行う(Swift5.0)
  7. Switch RootViewController with animation (Swift4.2)